Monday, August 19, 2019

Growth Mindsets

I hadn't heard anything about growth mindsets until watching the videos but I am really curious about them. I am most interested in how much change there has been in the groups of students they have tested and how improved they are. If I'm being honest, being in engineering has been really hard on my views of myself academically. Classes get tough fast and it's hard to see low grades and to think you're doing poorly, even if you are far beyond the class average. I think the growth mindset would help students see failure in a more positive light and make them more willing to learn and grow. I think the article by Dave Paunesku was interesting because it talked about just changing student's mindsets and seeing what their motivation is for their education. I think with classes it's easy to just stay focused on trying to get an A in the class or just doing as well as you can in the class and you end up losing sight of what of fact you're trying to learn something to benefit you in the future. It's been a while since I took a step back and thought about what this degree is actually about and what I'm trying to do with my education. I have several classes that are going to be tough this year, so I think the growth mindset will make it so that I just stay focused on the learning, rather than the grades behind what I'm learning.
Growth Mindset from Teaching with Simplify Blog

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