Friday, September 20, 2019

Week 8 Reading and Writing


I think I'm getting better with the writing assignments as the class goes on. I'm beginning to start thinking about what I want to make my story about as I'm reading. Reading wise, I think I could do a better job of taking notes on the different readings I am doing. I really like my blog and am getting more used to the set up of my website and how to add pages to it. I'm really proud of how my rewrite for "Hetic Recess" turned out and was really happy I was able to move on from revising it to editing a new story. I really liked reading the Ramayana. I liked how it seemed to flow as a story and how it seemed to be very narrative focused. I do think my notes help me a lot and figuring out what story I want to tell while reading helps me focus.

Looking Forward:

I think I want to try and take better notes and focus a lot more of the stories that I'm reading each week.

Reflection from Source

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